Cody Dakota will be your Leadership Guide to connect you with the ideas and concepts to help you unlock your Heroic Potential, develop into a Legendary Leadership, so you can EMERGE and become who you were meant to be! We cover Leadership, Personal Development, Emotional Intelligence, Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Mindfulness, Productivity, and More! Find out MORE at: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Lori Lyons who is a master marketer and founder of Ignite Marketing, which is "Not Yo' Momma's Website Company"!
In this episode, Cody Dakota and Lori Lyons discuss:
- Why "Sexy" Doesn't Usually Win
- #RealTweets
- Why it is Important to have a Strong Foundation and True Authenticity
- What We should be Watching Out for in Future Generations
- And How it All Ties To Leadership
Find out more about Lori's work here:
Free Gift: https://makeyourmarketingsimple.com/success/
Website: https://ignitingyourbusiness.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/llyons1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lalyons/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorialyons_/
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Leadership Guide Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Leadership Guide Podcast: https://podcast.theleadership.guide/
Cody Dakota's Channel on Entrepreneurs TV Network: https://www.entrepreneursnetwork.tv/channels/details/cody-dakota-wooten
Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheLeadershipGuideOfficial/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Jesse Harless who discovered he was prone to addiction from a young age. As he grew older, his addictions grew and were added to until he was face to face with Federal Felonies! He has faced his addictions and is helping others in their own battles against addiction!
In this episode, Cody Dakota and Jesse Harless discuss:
- The First Addiction We ALL Face
- The Ages Addiction can Begin to Occur
- Where the Opioid Crises Began and Some of Its Consequences
- What Goes Through the Mind When Faced with Federal Felonies
- Warning Signs of Addictive Personalities
- Tools to Overcome Addictions, Both for Yourself and Those You are Leading
- And How it All Ties To Leadership
Find out more about Jesse's work here:
Email: Jesse@JesseHarless.com
Website: https://www.jesseharless.com/
Website: https://www.entrepreneursinrecovery.com/
Website: https://recoveryfacilitation.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JesseHarless22
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesseharless/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseharless221/
Book - Smash Your Comfort Zone with Cold Showers: https://www.amazon.com/Smash-Your-Comfort-Zone-Showers-ebook/dp/B07K2KLC3Y
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
Cody Dakota's Channel on Entrepreneurs TV Network: https://www.entrepreneursnetwork.tv/channels/details/cody-dakota-wooten
Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheLeadershipGuideOfficial/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Dr. Corinne Weaver who had a childhood accident which left her needing to relearn how to breathe! We discover her journey of learning her secret super-power while helping her grandfather, and how she discovered the power of chiropractics and natural herbs. We discuss how she goes about treating patients and helps them go from over 10 medications down to NONE!
In this episode, Cody Dakota and Dr. Corinne discuss:
- What Happens When Your Head is LITERALLY Not On Straight
- What it is Like to be a Child that's Unable to Breathe
- How Important the Vagus Nerve is in the Human Physiology and What Impacts It
- The Power of Chiropractics and Herbs
- And How it All Ties To Leadership
Find out more about Dr. Corinne's work here:
Website: https://drcorinneweaver.com/
Book - Learning How to Breathe: https://drcorinneweaver.com/learning-how-to-breathe/
Book - No More Meds: https://drcorinneweaver.com/no-more-meds/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drcorinne/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAvuz-WvTK8LiNCCmdCbj8g
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.corinne/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/getwellnc
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Ed Squire, founder of the #MeTooWhatNow Movement. Ed faced childhood abuse multiple times. He talks about his story, and how the events of his childhood dramatically impacted his extremely successful career, his marriage, and his Faith. They also discussed how the fall from these things began the movement and where it's begun to take him!
"Transforming fear, stigma, and shame into
courage, honor, and respect
for survivors of childhood sexual abuse."
In this episode, Cody Dakota and Ed discuss:
- #MeTooWhatNow
- How prevalent Childhood Abuse is
- What happens after you raise your hand?
- The power of video content
- Authenticity online
- And How it All Ties To Leadership
Find out more about Ed's work here:
Website: https://metoowhatnow.com/index.html
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HRouVWv2Ch3DFAL7BPK5A
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edsquire/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edsquire2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/metoowhatnow
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
The League of Legendary Leaders: League.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Brandy Gillmore who went from being a Hall of Fame martial artist to being crippled in a wheelchair and how she was able to walk again, despite all the doctors telling her it was impossible!
In this episode, Cody Dakota and Brandy discuss:
- What forced Brandy into a Wheelchair, Walker and Cane
- How She was able to Walk Again Using Psychology
- How to Overcome Seemingly Hopeless Situations
- And How it All Ties To Leadership
Find out more about Brandy's work here:
Website: http://brandygillmore.com/
Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dEbqRYqY_0
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
The League of Legendary Leaders: League.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Lorianne Vaughan-Speaks (Yes, that is her actual name, not a stage name). Lorianne worked behind the scenes for a very prestigious author/speaker for 15 years before that person decided to retire. This left Lorianne laid off, and in her attempts to rejoin the corporate world found that these organizations were not interested in hiring someone who was almost 60! So she did what any reasonable person with an amazing skill set and courage would do, she started her own business!
Now, Lorianne and her team work behind the scenes to make sure that any person new to the author and speaking world has the team behind them to make them extremely successful!
In this episode, Cody Dakota and Lorianne discuss:
- The Power of VAs
- Different Types of Leaders
- Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?
- What New Speakers and Authors Need to Do to Stand Out
- How Large the Gig Economy Has Become
- And How it All Ties To Leadership
Find out more about Lorianne's work here:
Website: https://lvsconsultingservices.com/
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
The League of Legendary Leaders: League.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Dr. Aaron Smith, author of "Awakening Your STEM School" and "Blank Check - Recreating America's Broken Schools". Many people discuss the brokenness that is within our school systems, but fewer have truly learned the depths that it all goes, and fewer are actually doing anything to actually change the system. Dr. Aaron's goal in life is to impact the educational system and dramatically improve it for generations to come.
In this episode, Cody Dakota and Dr. Aaron Smith discuss:
- How to Turn Your Diploma into Dollars
- Jobs vs. Careers
- The #1 Thing we can do to Improve the School System
- How the Number of JAIL Cells can be determined by the Educational Level of the Surrounding Area
Find out more about Ron's work here:
Website: https://wr.solutions/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorkReadiness
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/workplacereadinesssolutions/detail/recent-activity/posts/
"Awakening Your STEM School" Book: https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Your-School-Aaron-Smith/dp/1633930610
"Blank Check - Recreating America's Broken Schools" Book: https://aaronlsmithauthor.com/book/blank-check-recreating-americas-broken-schools/
Email: Aaron@wr.solutions
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
The League of Legendary Leaders: League.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Ron Kaiser, PHD ABPP, who recently wrote the book "Rejevenaging - The Art and Science of Growing Older" and is the founder to The Mental Health Gym, and creator of Goal Achieving Psychology. Ron Kaiser came to a realization as he began to get older. The people who were around his age seemed to change for the worse, focused more on medications they were taking and talking about the past. Ron Kaiser decided to make it a mission of his to show people how to own the aging process, maintain mind and b ody productivity throughout all of life, and experience the joy of "feeling your age".
When Ron isn't doing research in his field, he is often spending time with the college students exercising and pursuing top physical shape at the university where he serves as a consulting psychologist. Even though he is 81, he seems as if he were in his 60's! He's also the author of two other books - “WHAT CAN GO RIGHT? The Thinking Person’s Guide to Making Good Things Happen,” and “THE MENTAL HEALTH GYM PLAYBOOK”
Find out more about Ron's work here:
Website: http://www.TheMentalHealthGym.com
Book - Rejuvenaging: https://www.amazon.com/Rejuvenaging-Science-Growing-Older-Enthusiasm/dp/1947368974
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
The League of Legendary Leaders: League.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
"Is it possible to eat food every day, never s#i+ and be physically healthy? Of course not. Similarly we cannot live in this intense world inundating us with stimulation, expect to not have our EMOTIONS move through us, and be emotionally healthy." - Rachel Kaplan
On today's Episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Rachel Kaplan, M.A., M.F.T. who has been a licensed psychotherapist for the past 13 years and is the host of the Healing Feeling $#!+ Show. The suicide of her boyfriend in her teens led her to studying healing from a very young age, which fueled her to studying Eastern religions and spirituality in her undergraduate studies, Western psychological methodologies in graduate school receiving her masters in counseling psychology. Through all of her studies, Rachel believes that she has uncovered the most basic and absolutely necessary tenant of emotional healing.
Rachel's mission in life includes dismantling and reducing societal shame about having emotional pain, offering helpful tools and practices to support people having their emotions in ways that helps them heal the wound of never feeling like enough and impostor syndrome, and having fun since she believes that pain is nothing to hide or avoid, but rather something to get so effective with that self trust, emotional resilience and authentic expression is able to naturally emerge.
Find out more about Rachel's work here:
Healing Feeling $#!+ Show: http://healingfeelingshitshow.com/
Your Core Wound Quiz: https://www.yourcorewound.com/
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
The League of Legendary Leaders: League.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Relationships at Home and in Leadership - Interview with Alexandra Stockwell
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
On today's episode, Cody Dakota has an interview with Alexandra Stockwell, MD who is a Physician turned Relationship and Intimacy Expert, known as "The Relationship Catalyst". As a wife of 23 years and a mother of four, she believes the key to passion, fulfillment, intimacy and success in a couple’s relationship isn’t compromise -it’s being unwilling to compromise - because when both people feel free to be themselves, and know how to love and be loved for exactly who they are, the relationship is "juicy, nourishing, and deeply satisfying". For 25 years, she has shown men and women how to bring pleasure and purpose into all aspects of life--from the daily grind of running a household, to successfully growing a business, to creating ecstatic experiences in the bedroom! Alexandra helps build connected and happy families through facilitating healing and transformation for couples.
You can find out more about Alexandra's work here:
Website: https://www.alexandrastockwell.com/
Relationship IQ quiz: www.TestYourRelationshipIQ.com
To join the Conscious Partnership Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ConsciousPartnership/?ref=bookmarks
Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Develop Into a Legendary Leader
EMERGE and Become Who You Were Meant to Be!
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast – With Cody Dakota
The Leadership Guide: http://www.TheLeadership.Guide
The Emerge Leadership Connection Podcast: https://www.EmergeLeadership.Club
The League of Legendary Leaders: League.EmergeLeadership.Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyLeadershipGuide/
Cody Dakota’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodyWootenCoyote
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theleadershipguide/
Cody Dakota’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codywootencoyote/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleadershipguide/
LoCo Coyote Enterprises: http://www.LoCoCoyote.Enterprises